The Answer To All Your Problems

You may have heard thousands of times that admitting you have a problem is the first step. Well I couldn’t disagree more. Admitting the problem is nothing. You can admit to anything, especially when being pressured or confronted with the dreaded “choice” question. I...

Who’s the Imposter?

From time to time, we ALL push for those around us to view us in a more favorable light. We portray one person at home, one person at work, one person at church and yet another on Facebook or Twitter. So, who are we really? Which person that we portray is our true...

3 Signs Parents of Addicts Should Look For

When it comes to relapse, there’s a huge difference between someone who is early in their sobriety and those who have a few weeks, months, or years under their belt. No one is immune to relapse—“one day at a time,” and all that—but just like a newborn baby stands a...

4 Most Common Areas of Relapse

I know relapse can be a dreaded word, and it carries with it a lot of negative connotations, so let’s settle on a definition before we move any further. I believe relapse is defined as: “When, after a period of abstinence, a person re-engages in an activity that is...

New Year, New YOU

Last week, I challenged loved-ones of addicts to find a support group.  Well near the end of a recent support group class I was hosting, we went around the room and recapped what everyone learned and some of the best takeaways. Here are a few quotes from the parents,...

Break Out of the Shells

I don’t know how the phrase “walking on eggshells” came about. I don’t know what it means, exactly, or what historical thing it’s referencing. What I do know is this: I hear it a lot, especially from moms and dads, spouses, siblings, and other friends and family...