The Best Thing My Mom Ever Did

My good friend Floyd works down at Rob’s Ranch, a treatment center in Central Oklahoma for men struggling with chemical dependency. He’s the health and nutrition supervisor, and makes a point to spend time with many of the families each weekend as they arrive for...

The Mother’s Prayer

If you read my last two posts, then I think you would agree that I’ve got one INCREDIBLE mom! And I bet you can now understand why I love her so much?! I’m so grateful that God has brought us both through my mess, all the way to this place where we have a great...

It Got My Son (Part 2)

Guest Post: Pam Lang Read Part 1 here… — So what do you do? I tried denial and found it to be awesome. I joke about having lived in six states, but the best of them all is the state of denial. For many of the years Lance struggled with addiction, we lived...

It Got My Son (Part 1)

Guest Post: Pam Lang There is a tremendously thin tightrope parents struggle to walk. You work to be omniscient in order to protect them from evil that is lurking. You strive to see their vulnerabilities and train them to overcome… to be strong when temptation raises...

The Elusive Rock Bottom

I don’t know how many times I’ve heard someone in the recovery community say, “Well they just haven’t hit rock bottom yet.” And every time I hear that, I always think to myself, What does “rock bottom” look like anyway? Is it getting caught? Is it prison time?...

My Parents Should Have…

Occasionally at the Finding Hope Support Group classes I lead, we bring in a group of recovering addicts to tell their stories. The audience response to these guys and gals always blows me away. As much as I think parents and loved ones of addicts need to be educated...