Fear or Freedom?

Fear is the number #1 enemy to freedom. Nothing drives you further away from freedom than fear. Fear hates freedom. It longs to live confined, manipulated and separated from all things peaceful and gratifying. Fear hates you. It loves to see you run away. It cheers...

My “New Year’s Recollection”

Today is a day of new beginnings. A new year is upon us as we rise to greet the day. A time to start anew, a fresh clean slate awaits us all as a fresh year unfolds.  Unlimited dreams run through our heads of what we shall accomplish or how our lives might change. The...

Merry Christmas!

  What an amazing year it has been! As I sit here on Christmas Eve recapping all that I have gone through, experienced and overcome I am in awe of God’s power. Wow, what an amazing and loving God we serve. That He would really sacrifice His son just so each...

Protect us from destructive temptation…

God, You are everywhere. You are infinite unity, truth and love. You permeate our souls, every corner of the universe and beyond. To some you are Father, Friend or Partner. To others Higher Power, Higher Self or Inner Self. To many you are all of these and more. You...

8 “sayings” that could change your life

Saying – (say-ing) Noun…… a frequently offered piece of advice or information, or a frequently heard reflection on the way things are… I love the last part of the definition of the word “saying”…. a reflection on the way things are. Just like the saying uttered...