Christmas Card 2012

What an amazing year it has been! As I sit here on Christmas Eve recapping all that I have gone through, experienced and overcome I am in awe of God’s power. Wow, what an amazing and loving God we serve. That He would really sacrifice His son just so each one of us could experience the freedom, peace and joy that is living in relationship with Him is an overwhelming thought. Yet it’s the truth. He truly is the Great I Am! Creator of all good things and the restorer of my soul.
As you can see from my Christmas card, it’s been an eventful year for me. This is the first full year I’ve experienced clean and sober in over 14 years. For that I am so thankful! Due only to the grace given through my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ and the fact that I am sober now I have been able to experience some incredible things in 2012.
As you look through my card you will see the highlights…!
The memorable trip to Wolf Creek with 7 of the best sober brothers a guy could have. I survived the dreaded “pass”!
An ode to Discovery and what would be a prophetic picture of my future leading “Hope is Alive”.
Special times spent with Ben and his journey through his first football season. What a great team!
A shot from a Dad/Daughter Date Night with my beautiful 8 year old girl Annie. Thunder Up!
A reminder of my sobriety date – April 27, 2011. What a great day that was, I honestly never imagined I would get there….
A picture of me and some of my closest friends enjoying some good clean fun one night in Norman. Brothers.
The head shot for a book I am writing. (more info to come)
My kids love Halloween and you can see how good they are at dressing up… That was Ben’s fourth time to be Harry!
My family at the fair. I gained 13 pounds that day. Seriously though, this is the stuff I used to not do. Now, I wouldn’t miss taking them!
The day the state officially recognized “Hope is Alive” as a non-profit organization. The best days are yet to come!
A great shot of Ben and I in San Fran. I surprised him and took him there for his 10th birthday. Check out his reaction here
…and finally one of the most memorable days of 2012. The day I was able to baptize my son. The day he publicly declared his acceptance of Jesus Christ.
In closing, I am so very grateful for each one of you who takes the time to read my posts each week. When I started this site I had no idea if anyone would ever care to read something I wrote, much less pick up something that might help them along their journey. So thank you for making me feel worthy, for accepting me as I am…… a Broken and Forgiven Man.
I hope you have a very Merry Christmas. See ya in 2013! It’s gonna be the best year ever!!
-Hope is Alive.