Fear is the number #1 enemy to freedom. Nothing drives you further away from freedom than fear. Fear hates freedom. It longs to live confined, manipulated and separated from all things peaceful and gratifying.
Fear hates you. It loves to see you run away. It cheers you on as you give up time and time again. It longs to grab you by the neck and drag you through life. Limiting you, depressing you and taking you further and further away from the promised land of freedom.
It’s debilitator, an objector, an agitator and an oppressor. It makes excuses, runs for cover, refuses to let you grow and loves to watch you suffer.
If we know this to be true about fear and its power over us. Then why on earth would we allow it to rule over our life’s?
That’s my question today? I’ve watched for weeks as those in and out of my life have grasped a bit of freedom, taken steps towards its wonderful embrace, only to stop short. Cower and melt away.
Unaware of its power and its presence enveloping their appearance, fear defeated them. Stole dreams and ripped away joy.
But in the world we live, we are given a gift each morning that God allows our alarms to ring yet another time.  With each new day we are presented with this wonderfully powerful choice…. Fear or Freedom?
What will we choose?
Will we rest in God’s promised protection and provision? or white knuckle our way through another day, fearing we won’t have enough?
Will we believe what God has said about us, that our spirit is fearless, powerful and sound. Or allow worry and dread to dictate our decisions.
Will we swim in an ocean of anxiety or trust that His ways are better than ours.
Fear, for far too long has ran many of our lives. Today let’s make a conscious decision to choose the alternative. Freedom!
Freedom to live
Freedom to grow
Freedom to love
Freedom to commit
Freedom to act
Freedom to forgive
Freedom to be yourself
Freedom to fail
Freedom to start over
Freedom to accept others and their faults
Freedom to live in peace, not in insanity
We need to QUIT living an alternative lifestyle to that in which we were created. God didn’t give us a spirit of Fear! NO, He gave us a spirit of power, love and of a sound mind. He promised His rod and staff to us for protection and comfort. He promises NEVER to leave us. Shining a light onto our path, He guides us, grabs our hand and whispers, “do not fear, I am with you.” He longs for us to prosper, showers favor and future over us everyday. He is the only thing constant and the only person never to disappoint.
He is with you today. He is your freedom!
Invite him to come along side you as you leave fear behind and begin your journey to freedom.
I pray that each of you will let go of any fear holding you back today and boldly step into the freedom we ALL deserve!
Hope is Alive!