4 Ways for Businessmen to Relapse

As I re-enter the world of business meetings, client dinners and the really exciting “networking socials” and I say that with heavy sarcasm. I’ve realized I need an arsenal of tricks to help keep me sober in what is always an atmosphere of heavy drinking...

The Gift That Got Me To 1000 Days Sober

Today I celebrate 1000 days clean and sober. It’s been 1000 days since I had a drink or took a pill. Even as I type out those words tears begin to form in my eyes and fall down my face. I’m an emotional person to begin with, but today as I look back on all...

The answer to all your problems

I spent so many years just wasting away with no purpose or meaning to my life. I just…existed. Took up space. Consumed air. It was miserable. Back then I lived with this feeling that I—by myself, on my own volition—was not enough. I believed I perpetually had to take...

Is your child getting high?

This past week I was on the phone with a parent of a sixteen year old boy. They think he’s smoking pot and possibly doing pills. The boy’s mom told me about how she’s found empty baggies in his room, papers in his car and even some pill residue on his bathroom...

10 Great Quotes on Recovery from Mike Tyson

A few years ago Mike Tyson come out and openly discussed his battle with addiction. In usual crazy Mike fashion, he spilled the beans through a couple manic interviews, both of which had their share of twisted logic and rabbit chasing rants. Watch one of them here:...