Parents, It’s Not Your Fault

Let’s take a moment to take a moment to talk about a famous scene in the film Good Will Hunting (no, not the one where Matt Damon slaps the phone number on the window of the bar and asks, “How you like them apples?”). It’s a scene that takes place toward the end...

10 Signs Your Kid Has A Problem

What makes an addict an “addict”? At what point do they cross the line? What does an unmanageable life look like? What percentage of their income do they need to start spending on their drug of choice before we call it a problem? Does it only become an addiction if...

We’re All A Little Crazy

I don’t have any statistics on this, but I would venture to say that one of the more common adjectives used to describe people that we don’t understand is: “crazy.” Think about it. How many times have you said… “He’s crazy.” “She’s crazy.” “They’re crazy.” “Her...

No More Help

Every so often a mother sends me something so good I have to share it. This letter is one of those somethings. It’s written three years ago from a mother to her drug addicted son. The mother told me she wrote it the day she chose to stop enabling. She told me how her...

Sneak Peek at Chapter 1 of “Finding Hope”

Last week I announced the winning cover for my new book, “Finding Hope”. This week, as promised, I’ve included a snippet of the first chapter of the book. I hope it gives you a taste of what you can expect with the real thing. Which by the way, you can pick up on...