It Got My Son (Part 2)

Guest Post: Pam Lang Read Part 1 here… — So what do you do? I tried denial and found it to be awesome. I joke about having lived in six states, but the best of them all is the state of denial. For many of the years Lance struggled with addiction, we lived...

It Got My Son (Part 1)

Guest Post: Pam Lang There is a tremendously thin tightrope parents struggle to walk. You work to be omniscient in order to protect them from evil that is lurking. You strive to see their vulnerabilities and train them to overcome… to be strong when temptation raises...

What’s Killing Our Kids

Today I am thrilled to pass along this guest post from my friend Mark Woodward of the Oklahoma Bureau of Narcotics. Mark is the Public Information and Education Officer at the OBN and is a man that knows what he is talking about. Mark is on the front lines fighting...

The Hardest Part of Staying Sober is….

A guest post by my good friend and loyal supporter of HIA, Matt Schenck. —- When it comes to my sobriety people ask me all the time, “How did you do it?” The honest answer is simple. I made one single, simple choice. I chose to have a relationship with God and...

Suffering Well

This is a guest post by a dear friend. A friend who has journeyed through an immense amount of suffering to find their sobriety. If you find yourself in a valley, this will be well worth the read. Enjoy! ——– When the fields are dry, and the winter is...