What Makes It So Hard To Stay Sober?

If you don’t know, I get the ultimate privilege of living in community with 21 other men. No just normal men, but 21 other recovering drug addicts! It’s a crazy, exciting, often time’s smelly, messy, yet wonderful world that I wouldn’t trade for anything. All the men...

The Elusive Rock Bottom

I don’t know how many times I’ve heard someone in the recovery community say, “Well he/she just hasn’t hit rock bottom yet”. I’ve always thought to myself. What does “rock bottom” look like anyway? Is it prison time? Is it homelessness? Is it losing your family?...

The Best Thing My Mom Ever Did

My good friend Floyd works down at Rob’s Ranch, a treatment center for men struggling with chemical dependency. He’s the health and nutrition supervisor and makes a point to spend time with many of the families each weekend as they arrive for visitation. In...

How To Know If Your Child Is Using Drugs (Part 2)

Yesterday we began a new series here on LanceLang.com entitled: “How To Know If Your Child Is Using Drugs”. We discussed intuition, denial and learned that when it comes to discerning the truth, trusting your gut is the best place to start! If you happened...

How To Know If Your Child Is Using Drugs (Part 1)

This past week I was on the phone with a parent of a sixteen year old boy. They suspect he’s smoking weed and possibly doing pills. The boy’s mom told me about how she’s found empty baggies in his room, papers in his car and even some pill residue on his...

Why I Love My Dad!

I could write for days about the reasons why I love my Dad. I could tell you how much I’ve learned from him or about the countless lessons he’s taught me over the years. He’s a teacher.  Or I could tell you about how he only missed one of my sporting...