What Does Rock Bottom Look Like?

I don’t know how many times I’ve heard someone in the recovery community say, “Well he/she just hasn’t hit rock bottom yet”. I’ve always thought to myself. What does “rock bottom” look like anyway? Is it prison time? Is it homelessness? Is it losing your family?...

Standing at the Crossroads (Part 2)

In the second of a two-part series, a friend of mine examines how he became sober through Alcoholics Anonymous, and the hope he’s found for his life. — Fresh out of alcohol from the night before, and having flushed my pills for what I hoped was the final time, I...

Don’t Coast Through Christmas

This past Sunday at our weekly house meeting I ask the men of Hope HQ this question: Why is the holiday season challenging for guys like us? Here are some of the responses I got. –  It’s hard to be around my family when I’m the only one NOT drinking –...

A life free from Duck Dynasty & other thoughts on accountability

I know it’s been 902 days since I last used drugs or drank (not that I’m counting), but still to this day, when someone close to me gives me that “Are you high?” look or even comes out and asks me if I’m using, I can’t help but feel anger quickly rising up from...

I’m Sad, I’m Lonely, I’m Confused

I’m Sad I’m Lonely I’m Confused I’m Frustrated But I know I’ll be ok. I know God is teaching me something through this time.    I texted this note to one of my best friends last night. I prefaced the message with this tagline…....

What we can learn from Zac “6-pack” Efron’s stint in rehab

So yesterday, Zac “6-pack” Efron admitted to completing a stint in rehab five months ago. Rumor has it he checked in over a struggle with alcohol and cocaine. I wasn’t surprised when I heard the news, but it sure seems like many people were. One...