God So Loved

For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life. John 3:16 As I look out over the city of Jersulalum and specifically the Kidron Valley, between the Mount of Olives and the Temple Mount,...

Hope is…

Hope is… Hope is the confident expectation that God will never leave your side Hope is the concrete foundation we stand on knowing nothing will ever take us back to where we were Hope is the spark that ignites the flame of change Hope is trusting that you will...

Night of Hope OKC Recap

Throughout the weeks leading up to Night of Hope OKC, I felt as though something was different. I didn’t feel more or less organized or prepared, nor did I expect a bigger crowd than previous two events. But I felt as though God was up to something. That He was going...

The After Party

When I think about the vision God gave me for the Night of Hope events, its clear to see that God wanted me to facilitate opportunities for people to step towards freedom. But as I look back on the past two NOH events, I’m not sure I’ve done the best job...

Watch the “Night of Hope Tulsa” Video

Hey everyone! I hope this finds YOU doing great and getting ready for a BIG Summer. For the past few weeks, I’ve taken some time off to prepare for an exciting summer myself. I’m looking forward to speaking over 50 times throughout the state, taking a few...