10 people you should know if you want to stay sober

As we wrap up this series, we end on what may be my favorite day. There is something about networking that really gets me excited. I think the main reason is because I’ve seen just how important and life changing it is to have the right people in your corner. The old...

10 things I am today because I am sober…

On Monday we discussed what our lives would be like, if we were still out using. The negative character traits we’d still carry around and the general fog that would cover our well-being.  Today, we continue our “10 things” series, but make a sharp turn towards the...

10 Things I would be, if I wasn’t sober….

  I was chatting with the guys in the house last night about the vast difference in our lives since we’ve gotten sober. As we chatted we began to drift into conversation about where we might be if we hadn’t taken that crucial step towards sobriety.  Many of the...

Permission to Dream

It was freezing outside and the rain was picking up, turning the gravel road into a sloppy mess, so I started into a sloppy  jog. As I got closer to my car, I heard some footsteps behind me and quickly turned around to see a young man following me. As I turned I gave...

Life without Hope…

Last week I discussed how Hope and Air are a lot alike. How they both move through life surrounding us at all times. How they are necessary for us to move forward, constantly giving us momentum, energy and inspiration. We also began to talk about what would happen if...