Are You Codependent? Find out.

  Oftentimes, people will enable an addict because they’re codependent on them. Codependency is a word that gets thrown around a lot in recovery circles, and some people are certain they’re codependent when they aren’t, while others are certain they aren’t...

Are You Helping or Enabling?

When I was in high school, I had very little in the way of moral grounding, something I’m not proud of but which is key for understanding the way I acted in the story I’m about to tell you. This story takes place during my senior year, when I was all the way gone into...

The Best Thing My Mom Ever Did

My good friend Floyd works down at Rob’s Ranch, a treatment center for men struggling with chemical dependency. He’s the health and nutrition supervisor and makes a point to spend time with many of the families each weekend as they arrive for visitation. In...

Chasing The Unattainable (A Guest Post About Codependency)

I spent the last five years chasing someone who was unattainable. I can say for certain five years, but in all honesty, it was probably more like my whole life. Chasing someone outside myself to complete me, hold me up, care for me and show me that I mattered. I knew...

The best thing a parent can do….

My good friend Floyd works down at Rob’s Ranch and I’ve heard him tell parents of addicts this about hundred times. “The best thing my mom ever did for me was leave me in jail.” Yea, pretty interesting thought huh? Especially to those reading this with children caught...