Today we are continuing the preview of my new book, Hope is Alive (One addicts story of hope). Today’s preview is from chapter 5, entitled “Make a Mandate”. In this chapter, I discuss the importance of crafting a mandate statement that will guide and direct your life. A sentence that draws you back to the core of who you want to be as a recovering addict, a father, a mother, a son, an uncle, a grandmother or any other aspect of your life. Your mandate acts as a barometer or measuring stick for you to gauge your conduct, your decisions and your reactions. It helps provides you balance and perspective throughout the crucial moments of your life.
To order the book, click this link – HOPE is ALIVE!
Sneak Peek #6 – Chapter 5, Make a Mandate!
Hope_is_Alive_Cover_for_Kindle“I Will Not Use, No Matter What!”
I wrote that phrase in my lecture notebook during my stay at Rob’s Ranch, and I still remember the exact moment I wrote it. A feeling of strength came over me as I made a personal mandate that I was done with my old way of living. This statement has pulled me out of many traps the past few years; countless times this personal agreement with myself motivated me to make the right decision in a circumstance that could have proven to be very dangerous.
For instance, there was the time I took off by myself (not something I would suggest early in recovery) on a camping trip to Roman Nose State Park near Yukon, Oklahoma (yes that is actually the name of both those places). I was looking forward to this trip—just me and Mother Nature for an entire week. I was convinced I would spend the time sitting outside my RV, writing, reading books, and enjoying the scenery, undisturbed for days.
Well, I tend to forget details and get stuck in the broad picture of things and that’s what happened that weekend. I was so focused on packing the right stuff, getting out there, and getting set up that I totally forgot the date.
It was 4th of July weekend.
Now, I am not a complete idiot. I had realized it was a holiday week, I just didn’t realize everyone would stay at the state park the entire weekend! Next thing I knew, I was surrounded by thirty other RVs full of people partying and partying hard.
So there I was, all alone, stuck in between what sounded like some pretty quality parties. I had no accountability (first mistake) and nowhere I needed to be for days….
But the book here…  HOPE is ALIVE!