I just landed in Dallas, a pit stop on my way to Austin tonight and on the plane ride down I finished up what has to be one of the most fascinating books on marriage I’ve read in a long time. Written by Philip Wagner, ‘How To Turn Your Marriage Around in Ten Days’,  is a marital guide that lays out simple principles to invite passion, intimacy and respect back into your marriage–all within 10 days.
As a guy who didn’t succeed in marriage his first time around, I am always looking for helpful hints and advice so as to be most prepared when God allows me to meet that lovely bride I’ve been praying for. I know she’s out there somewhere…
The book takes you through an awesome little 10 day journey of renewal and growth and then leaves you with a garage full of tools to revitalize your marriage.  Each day is specifically focused on one topic related to marriage. I especially found chapter five to be enlightening and challenging as it focused on a topic I’ve struggled with, forgiveness.
I’m a recovering alcoholic and drug addict and forgiveness or the lack thereof played a big part in my downward spiral. So to read his commentary on forgiveness as it relates to adultery was refreshing and fascinating. The suggestion that couples who find their way through forgiveness often come away with a deeper, more intimate, and amazingly fulfilling relationship gave me hope and will encourage many of my closest friends who are struggling to avoid the D-word themselves…
In a nutshell this book has greatly helped my preparation for marriage and I believe if followed deeply will save many marriages on the brink as well.
Check out more about Pastor Phillip here – www.philipwagner.com  and more about the book here – Book Trailer