I was cruising through twitter a few weeks back and came across an ad for something called NLC. I clicked it and up popped a lineup of a dream team of pastors from across the country. Many of which I’ve followed for years and look up to as leaders in the Christian community and experts in leadership, marketing and motivation.
So as I sometimes do…I acted impulsively & bought two tickets to the event, cashed in some frequent flier miles and called my pastor to tell him we were going… 🙂
You know that feeling you get in your stomach when you just feel compelled to act. Like you’ve just got to do something. Call, write, pray, whatever it may be. Well that’s the feeling I got when I saw this lineup. I just felt God saying, I have something for you in South Carolina and this is the event you need to go to in order to get it….
As usual. He was right.
The event was held at NewSpring Church in Anderson SC. This is a mega church that fulfills everything you’ve ever thought a mega church should or shouldn’t be. Massive auditorium, sound system that would make Jerry Jones jealous, a stage setup that has more disco balls than most Vegas strip clubs, (don’t ask me why I know, I just do) and a children’s wing twice as big as 90% of American churches with more colors splattered on the wall than a north Tulsa freeway overpass. With that said, the mob of green shirt wearing volunteers surrounding and inundating the building was quite impressive. They opened every door from the moment you got out of your car and politely greeted you with a smile and a hello like only South Carolinians can do. Very sweet people.
As for the speakers, it’s really hard to put into words how impactful they all were. Each one seemed to outdo the one before, with a young guy from Seattle named Judah Smith closing up the day with one of the most entertaining and compelling “talks” on change I have ever heard. This guy is my new man crush.
Here are some highlights from each speaker.  Their talks should all be online soon at ….. Look forward to going next year. I certainly wouldn’t miss it…
Perry Noble:
 2 things he is praying for  himself this year…. 

  1. That Jesus will enable me to continually renew my focus on and love for HIM.
  2. That Jesus will give me an increasing measure of faith.

When we are fighting within the church we are missing out on helping the hurting and broken.
3 areas where we fight….
   1. Morality – the huge condemning the homosexual
  2. Theology – just be like Christ
  3. Methodology – JC did some crazy things – mark 7:33
Craig Groeschel
 A Leaders Constant Companion….  PAIN! 
What is one area you need to step into the pain….?
 2 examples of areas…

  1. Pain threshold for unjustified rejection & criticism
  2. Pain of hard decisions.

 Steven Furtick:
 Passage: 1 Kings 18:46,19:1-19
 Pray that God would change your outlook even if he doesn’t Change your problem…
 If you’re running from what God has for you stop…”get up & eat!”

  1. Feed yourself…
  2. Starve your fears out..
  3. Get back to work…

 Matt Chandler
 Psalm 27 – God shows us a manifest presence.  And when we experience the storms of live, it’s this presence that we must cling to in order to shield us.
 You have 2 enemies… 

  1. The spiritually evil enemy
  2. Yourself 

Psalm 104. Seek the lord…. Position yourself to be in the presence….
 2 things that attract the special presence of God.

  1. Personal holiness psalm 41:12 psalm 51:11times of refreshing will come to you, through the preened of God.

2.  Worship/ praise psalm 95:2, psalm 100:2 we will sing for glory…
 2 things that repel the special presence of God:

  1.  Pride – god sees the proud from a distance
  2. Complacency and indifference…

Jud Whilhite
 Ecclesiastes  3:1
 3 things to remember during tough seasons. 

  1. Tough seasons are temporary.
  2. Manage crazy seasons intentionally.
  3. Face every season in God’s rest.

 Judah Smith:
Christ’s first word was – Repent.
Repent means Change
Change is not always remorse.
Change is returning

  1. Repentance is realization…

Change is not change until eyes are opened and hearts are burned by God.
2. Realization is return….
Grace is god coming to us. We must return to Him
Top Quotes:
When we fall on love with Jesus Christ we fall in love with people – Perry Noble
You potential is equal to your willingness to endure the pain – Craig Groeschel
Becoming obsessed with what everyone else thinks about you is the quickest way for you to forget what God thinks about you. – Craig Groeschel
The enemy will use something small to scare you away from the big mission God has for you. – Steven Furtick
Maintain the hunger by keeping the faith. – Matt Chandler
If you are real, they will be real. – Jud Whilhite
It’s no one else’s fault if I am spiritually bankrupt. – Jud Whilhite
You are planting seeds and God is working to harvest them. -Jud Whilhite
We must lean on the only one that never changes. – Judah Smith