mandate pic


  1. A command or authorization to act in a particular way
  2. An authoritative order
  3. To authorize or decree

I Will Not Use… No Matter What!
I wrote the phrase above in my lecture notebook during my stay at Rob’s Ranch. I remember the exact moment I wrote it. A feeling of strength came over me as I made a personal mandate that I was done with my old way of living. This statement has pulled me out of many snares in recent days. Countless times this personal agreement with myself motivated me to make the right decision in a circumstance that could have proven to be very dangerous.
I can remember specifically one instance when I took off by myself (not something I would suggest early in recovery) on a camping trip to Roman Nose State Park (yes, that is actually the name). I was so looking forward to this trip, just me and Mother Nature for an entire week. I was convinced I would just sit outside my RV and write, read books, enjoy the scenery and not be disturbed for days. Well, if you know me very well you know I can tend to forget the details and get stuck in the bigger picture of things. Well that’s what happened that weekend. I was so focused on getting out there, getting set up and packing all the right stuff that I forgot it was 4th of July weekend. Now, I am not a total idiot. I realized it was a holiday week, I just didn’t’ realize everyone would stay at the state park the ENTIRE weekend! Next thing I knew I was surrounded by about 30 other RV’s all of which were partying and partying hard.
So there I was, all alone, stuck in between what sounded like some pretty quality parties. I had no accountability (first mistake) and nowhere I needed to be for days. I have to admit I had some pretty troubling thoughts that first night. But each time my mind wandered into a thought like “no one will ever know” or “you can have a few beers, what’s it gonna hurt” something would click inside my head and I would immediately begin to speak my mandate quietly to myself.
Saying “I Will Not Use… No Matter What!” became a habit that weekend that has stuck with me every day sense. I made it through that camping trip and came home stronger than ever in my sobriety. I view that time as a turning point in my recovery. It was the most tempting time I’d experienced and I came out of it victorious.
So today I have a challenge for you. Regardless of what your proverbial cross is to bear. Whether its addiction, anger, overeating or gambling. Or if you’ve been hurt in the past, are facing divorce, or can’t seem to protect your heart and are always being used. Or maybe you need help keeping your eyes pure, subduing your anger or taming a judgmental mind. It doesn’t matter what it is, a mandate, a command agreement with yourself, can help you overcome it.
Today’s Challenge:
Find a post it note or a piece of paper and tape. Write on it the message you know you need to hear every day for the next year. What’s gonna get you going in the morning? What do you need to see before you go to bed? When your pissed off and about to rage out, what do you need to remind yourself of? What can you read to remind you over what’s really important?
What’s you mandate? Be intentional. This could save your life….
If your bold enough, share your mandate with me here…..