Towards the end of the New Testament there is a letter written by the apostle Paul to a young leader in the early church named Timothy. It’s obvious to me while reading this letter, that Paul is a big fan of Timothy. He really thinks this young guy has what it takes to be an awesome leader, to carry the torch for Christ that Paul has so boldly pushed throughout the world. Paul beckons to Timothy in this first letter to not allow anyone to belittle or look down on him because of his age.  But instead, he challenges him to show all people, young or old what the standards should be when it comes to living for Christ. Basically Paul says….
“Hey you are going to be leading many people, some who are older and some that are younger. There might be times that they look at you with judgmental eyes or a critical spirit. Regardless of what they say, it’s on you to set the standard.”
Paul then lays out in what ways Timothy should set the standard.

  1. Loving Speech
  2. Faithful Conduct
  3. Pure Action
  4. Transparent Living

That’s a pretty good weight for a young guy to carry. I can only imagine what Timothy must have been thinking as he read this letter from his mentor. As a young leader it must have been tough to hear some of these commands and expectations when he was out there all alone, miles away from the man who taught him so much. Not to mention, Timothy had been tasked to lead this very influential church in Ephesus that was chock full of elders he’d eventually have to confront, over bearing women causing distractions and at times false teachings….Whew! That’s no easy task for a young bloke.
But Paul goes on to really lift up his young prodigy. Like any good leader does, he lays out his expectations to Timothy and then follows them with stout encouragement and showers of praise. He expresses to Timothy that he will soon be there to help him but until that time to get up and preach and teach in public. He urges him to, “Be the man God has called you to be, live out these wonderful gifts he has blessed you with and fulfill the prophecy that was spoken over you before you left.”
You can almost feel Paul saying to Timothy…. “You can do this! This is not too much for you to handle! I believe in you!” The undercurrent of the letter is powerful. It’s authentic and real. It’s motivating to the reader. If you need encouragement today, here it is. Take it.
If you are already a leader, then the encouragement is your to  give as well. Take the time to pour into those younger people who look up to you. The model is on display in the Bible, we are shown the way to proper leadership through God’s word. Paul is displaying the process by laying out clear expectations, encouraging his pupil and then praising him when he succeeds.
God is speaking this same command over you, just like He did through Paul to young Timothy.
Take a moment today and say this to yourself and remember that this is what God is saying….
Go, be the man or woman I created you to be. I have specifically gifted you and prepared you for this moment. I am not surprised at your circumstances; in fact I am prepared to help you through them. You can do it!
God believes in you! I believe in you! Believe in yourself…..
Hope is Alive!