After taking a few weeks off to work on my new book and finish up the curriculum for Hope is Alive (Out Dec 1). I’m looking forward to hitting the road to start dealing some HOPE again this month. It’s start tomorrow as I will be speaking 4 times to students in Cushing OK. In the afternoon I’m speaking to all the High School students and in the evening I’ll be leading at my buddy Jarvis Cannon’s church Oak Grove Baptist.
I’m looking forward to both of these times, but the morning session is something new for me and I got to say I’m pretty to stoked about it. I’ve been asked to speak at a District Student Council meeting which will carry a Hunger Games theme. During the meeting, I’ll be sharing a talk I’ve been prepping for a few weeks now. It’s called “Hope on Fire”. I’ve really enjoyed writing this and am praying that God will do something very special in the lives of the student leaders in attendance. Below is the closing to the talk.  Read it over, let me know what you think. I hope you like…. and please pray for me if you have a chance. Four gigs in one day can be taxing… Love you guys!!dandelion This symbol of the dandelion in the Spring is the image of rebirth that sustains life. The dandelion in the movie is a symbol that no one needs to trust the Capitol for their daily bread that self-sacrificial love is always better than revenge, and that goodness survives even destruction. This is dangerous hope that declares freedom from being a piece in the Hunger Games. This is the sort of hope that can change a person, this sort of contagious hope can alter a Student Council, it can transform a school, it can shape a state, it can change the world. This is a real hope that cannot be contained. And that is the CHALLENGE from me to you today! Will you make a difference! Will you stand up and be counted! Will your voice be heard! Will you live as a HOPE on FIRE!