Today we are continuing the preview of my upcoming book, Hope is Alive (One addicts story of hope). The preview today is from chapter two, entitled Surrender. This sample below details my thought process while being confronted with one of the toughest questions I had ever been asked.
To order the book, click this link – HOPE is ALIVE!
Sneak Peek #3 – Chapter 2, Surrender
I’d been doing whatever I wanted to do, whenever I wanted to do it for so long I wasn’t sure it was possible to stop. I had been running all over the state chasing my next fix, and leaving a tornado of destruction and heartbreak along the way. I’d built the walls around me so tall most people had quit trying to climb over them to help me. With each passing day, those walls got taller and taller and taller, leaving me in a destitute and isolated place.
So the fear of turning my life over to anyone else was terrifying, almost crippling. But even in the midst of the fog in which I lived, I knew the importance of my response to the question Jim was posing. For some reason on that day, God gave me a moment of clarity. Everything in my mind and body lined up and I knew my answer.
I leaned forward, hung my head over the telephone, and said, “Sir, I’m willing to surrender. To do whatever it takes.”
I had no idea where that response would soon lead me.
To order the book, click this link – HOPE is ALIVE!