The “Key” To My Sobriety (Guest Post)

And acceptance is the answer to all my problems today. When I am disturbed, it is because I find some person, place, thing, or situation–some fact of my life–unacceptable to me, and I can find no serenity until I accept that person, place, thing, or...

On The Run

I spent so many years of my life just wasting away with no purpose or meaning. I just existed. Took up space. Consumed air. Wasted precious time. Squandered talents and missed out on memories. It was miserable. Back then I lived with this feeling that I—by myself, on...

Diseases, Lasers and Dentists

I have a confession to make. Before last Friday I hadn’t been to the dentist in over two years! Yes, I know that’s really gross, but the last couple years have been a little crazy for me. I guess I just haven’t thought that taking the preventative step of getting my...

What’s Killing Our Kids

Today I am thrilled to pass along this guest post from my friend Mark Woodward of the Oklahoma Bureau of Narcotics. Mark is the Public Information and Education Officer at the OBN and is a man that knows what he is talking about. Mark is on the front lines fighting...

What Makes It So Hard To Stay Sober?

If you don’t know, I get the ultimate privilege of living in community with 21 other men. No just normal men, but 21 other recovering drug addicts! It’s a crazy, exciting, often time’s smelly, messy, yet wonderful world that I wouldn’t trade for anything. All the men...

5 Things I Do To Eliminate Stress

Recently I was given an opportunity to do something that would completely change my life. It was an incredible offer that was full of all kinds of good stuff. But it was also an opportunity that stopped me in my tracks and had me immediately gasping for air. The...