The first few weeks of this New Year were a little rough for me. I was in a funk. I had some disappointments, some unmet expectations and I struggled to stay positive. I was depressed. So much so, I think I stayed in the same sweat pants for about 2 weeks.
But over the past couple weeks; I’ve felt the fog begin to lift. I did a couple things that I think really helped. They may help you as well.
First off, I took a social media fast for a full 7 days. I know it’s hard to believe, but I did it. I refrained from checking any feeds, posting any pictures or updating my status for a week. The first few days were tough, but the more I replaced that time with prayer, mediation and music. The more God really begin to speak to my heart.
The second thing I did was focus on my writing. Writing helps me step back and take a look at my life from a higher level, taking the attention off any problems or frustrations of the day.  For three weeks, writing is just about all I did. I’m working on a book about my past so I had plenty to write about it. It’s very therapeutic, so if you don’t journal or write. Think about trying it.
Both of these activities really helped me spend deliberate time focusing upward. Pushing my dependence more on God and less on me. When I do that  my heart opens to just how grateful I should be.
With that said, here is my Gratitude List for this week:
Discovery and the fellow board members I serve with. I am learning so much from each of them.
Yoga. My new drug.
My Parents
All the great things happening at Sanctuary OKC
My Sobriety
Weekends with my kids
What are you grateful for this week?