It’s Gonna Be A Great Day!!

A few weeks back I shared with you about how poorly the start to my day had become. How a lack of forgiveness had slowly spread to the point where anger, resentment and anxiety had filled my first few thoughts each morning. This vicious beginning immediately put me on...

2 Things That Will Get You Drunk

I’ve had the privilege of working with tons of recovering addicts over the past 5 years. Lots of them are doing well today, some of them are still trying to figure it out, and many of them never made it past the first few months. Why? Well, there are lots of...

The Elusive Rock Bottom

I don’t know how many times I’ve heard someone in the recovery community say, “Well they just haven’t hit rock bottom yet.” And every time I hear that, I always think to myself, What does “rock bottom” look like anyway? Is it getting caught? Is it prison time?...

Parents, It’s Not Your Fault

Let’s take a moment to take a moment to talk about a famous scene in the film Good Will Hunting (no, not the one where Matt Damon slaps the phone number on the window of the bar and asks, “How you like them apples?”). It’s a scene that takes place toward the end...

You’re Only as Sick as Your Secrets

In a previous post I talked about all the different signs and indicators that something might be going wrong in your family. But there’s a huge shift from seeing a problem, to the level of actually admitting the problem. And man, we do not like to admit problems, even...

We’re All A Little Crazy

I don’t have any statistics on this, but I would venture to say that one of the more common adjectives used to describe people that we don’t understand is: “crazy.” Think about it. How many times have you said… “He’s crazy.” “She’s crazy.” “They’re crazy.” “Her...