He Sent Us A Bridge

I need to get honest. For what seemed like forever, each morning I woke up pissed off. My first thoughts went straight to specific people who had wronged me. And for whatever reason, during this bitter season of my life, the list just kept growing. Morning after...

A Mess Into A Message

It wasn’t an accident, that’s for sure. Nothing ever is, right? It was a few days ago that me and five of my roommates loaded up and headed south down I-35 to Rob’s Ranch. We all were alumni and decided to go down to personally pick up what was to be the next guy...

Why I Believe Hope = Life

A few months back I discussed how Hope and Air are a lot alike. How they both move through life surrounding us at all times. How they are necessary for us to move forward, constantly giving us momentum, energy and inspiration. We also began to talk about what would...

The Adventure of Grace

The adventure of grace is where we belong. It fits around us like a perfectly stitched set of footie pajamas. You slide into it and life just seems to make sense around you. Ego and pride seem meaningless, worry and doubt seem like wastes of time, and the solitude you...