He Sent Us A Bridge

I need to get honest. For what seemed like forever, each morning I woke up pissed off. My first thoughts went straight to specific people who had wronged me. And for whatever reason, during this bitter season of my life, the list just kept growing. Morning after...

To Forgive or Not To Forgive? (Part Two)

In my last post I told you about how I was feeling stuck in a rut of un-forgiveness. How even though I knew better, I had allowed myself to slowly float off track and ended up back in that bay of bitterness I so desperately despised. I’m resolved to turn this around...

To Forgive or Not To Forgive? (Part One)

There was a time not too long ago that I prided myself on my ability to forgive. I built a season of my life around the phrase ‘radical forgiveness’. I tried to embody the phrase. Carrying it along with me through my peaks and valleys like that blue ribbon I won for...

Change Is A Good Thing…. Right?

They say change is a good thing…right? At least I’ve heard people say that before. But what happens when change isn’t good. When it sucks. When you hate it and would do anything within your power to change the change? Is that when we’re supposed to step...

Turning Hate Into Hope – Top 10 Nelson Mandela Quotes

Mr. Mandela embodied the spirit of hope that drives me everyday. He was the epitome of forgiveness, restoration and second chances. So much can be learned from his life and his words. May he rest in peace and his legacy live on forever. In his honor, here is a list of...

I’m gonna send you some HOPE

This is a great video about the HOPE, Grace and Abundant Joy we receive when we put our faith and our future in the hands of Jesus. Watch it and have a great Monday!   [youtube=http://youtu.be/mC8cYGz4vq0]