I was looking through old blog posts last night and came across one that stopped me dead in my tracks. It was originally written on February 18, 2013 and you’ve got to read it.
If you’re feeling as though God is calling you to something greater, then read this NOW!
If you want to see how God can provide, then read this NOW!
If you need some inspiration this morning, then read this NOW!

A few months back I took off on the next endeavor I believed God to calling me towards. I started a non-profit focused around a community home for recovering addicts like myself. I envisioned this house would be occupied by a handful of guys all chasing after a better life. A more fulfilled existence, a life full of satisfaction, free from the chains of addiction. I hoped it would be a place where men would come from across the city to share their experience, strength and hope leaving the guys inspired and all the more prepared and determined to be successful in every area of their life. In my dreams I imagined a place where the men living at this house of hope would come alongside other organizations in the community and lend their new found energy, intelligence and creativity to help the less fortunate, the still suffering or anyone else needing a helping hand.  Yesterday the dreams stopped…….and reality began.
About 2:00 yesterday afternoon, I watched two young men move their belongings into the house God blessed me with. I listened to them tell me what they desired their lives to be like, what had held them back in the past and what they were willing to do to overcome those setbacks in the future. We set up beds, shopped for sheets and put together furniture. As we worked and talked, a quote from my favorite movie, Almost Famous, rang in my ears. “It’s all happening.”
And it was. The dreams, visions, the sleepless nights wondering and worrying were gone and it was all finally happening. This headquarters of hope was up and running.  The place of refuge and renewal was coming alive.
Today I am so grateful that God answer our prayers. That He plants visions in our lives and brings along the supporters, nurturers and encouragers we need to help the visionary seeds flourish in to living breathing beings. My faith is renewed yet again in the majesty and sovereignty of our God. He is truly working all things together for our good. Reinvigorating our relationships and springing our Hope back to life time and time again.
This is straight up evidence that God plants visions inside of us that He wants to see come alive. Today this little dream I detailed above that started with 2 men has now seen over 30 men come through the doors over what is NOW 3 HOMES! And it has nothing to do with me and all to do with what God wanted to see happen.
Today someone needs to read this. Someone needs to hear me say these words.
Today is time for you to quit dreaming of a day when you get to live out your calling and just start living it. You might not feel ready, you might not have everything lined up, you might think that its not the right time, but if you keep thinking this way you’ll never start. You’ve got to step out on faith and move!
If you believe God is calling you to do something, then go for it. Get on your knees, pray for provision and trust that God will provide.
As I look back on this post I see someone who totally underestimated what God could do. I see someone who God used to make something happen so much larger than he could have done on his own.
Don’t let another day go by just existing. God has given you a story, a talent, a skill and a conviction that is uniquely yours. Quit dreaming of the day you’ll put it to good use and start making it happen!