It Got My Son (Part 1)

Guest Post: Pam Lang There is a tremendously thin tightrope parents struggle to walk. You work to be omniscient in order to protect them from evil that is lurking. You strive to see their vulnerabilities and train them to overcome… to be strong when temptation raises...

What Comes After Rock Bottom?

Last week we talked about how to find that elusive rock bottom all loved-ones of addicts are so often searching for. Today I am going to discuss some steps for those of you who have a loved who has find that magical place and now are wondering what to do next?!?!...

Are You Codependent? Find out.

  Oftentimes, people will enable an addict because they’re codependent on them. Codependency is a word that gets thrown around a lot in recovery circles, and some people are certain they’re codependent when they aren’t, while others are certain they aren’t...

Are You Helping or Enabling?

When I was in high school, I had very little in the way of moral grounding, something I’m not proud of but which is key for understanding the way I acted in the story I’m about to tell you. This story takes place during my senior year, when I was all the way gone into...

Parents, It’s Not Your Fault

Let’s take a moment to take a moment to talk about a famous scene in the film Good Will Hunting (no, not the one where Matt Damon slaps the phone number on the window of the bar and asks, “How you like them apples?”). It’s a scene that takes place toward the end...