Well, it looks as though my life is shifting once again. Hope is Alive Ministries is growing by leaps and bounds and with that comes new responsibilities, exciting opportunities, and a lot of paperwork! But at least it’s the kind of paperwork I can get excited about, because I know it means more chances to change lives! With all this growth comes a decision I’ve known for a long time I would eventually have to make. On one hand, it’s a simple decision, but on the other, it’s terrifying. Because it changes everything for me.
I’m stepping out in faith and going full-time with Hope is Alivespeaking and writing.
I couldn’t be more excited about this next stage of my life, and if the past three years are any indication, it’s gonna be one heck of a ride! But to get there, I must first step through the fear and confidently chase the calling God has placed on me. I know it won’t be easy. In fact, the enemy has already tried to knock me down several times over the past few weeks as I’ve worked through the practicalities of this decision. But that’s okay; he can keep coming after me, because I’m not going to fall. I refuse to back down. I refuse to cower. I will not relent. God has called me and I know it. There is no doubt about it. Too many people need help, too many families are being torn apart and too many guys like me are still out there struggling, alone and confused.
So, regardless of how scary this new season of life appears to be, I’m moving forward. No, I take that back: I’m sprinting forward!
To make sure I don’t get off track, I’ve written a new mandate. If you read my first book, you know I believe in having a mandate statement to help guide you through different seasons of life. Well, my hope is that this new mandate will help keep me on balance, pointed toward God, and full of confidence as I begin to walk out in faith that which God has called me to do.
Here is my new mandate:
This is your calling. No one else is coming to do what only you can do. Quit worrying about what other people say and focus only on what God says. Take risks, take on new opportunities, step out in faith, and be sure to celebrate all the victories along the way!
Maybe it’s also time for you to step out in faith and claim the calling God has over your life. Whatever that may be, let me encourage you in this: you can do it! If God has called you, He will equip you. As you pray about your next season of life, I encourage you to begin writing a mandate statement and to read the verse below each day for the next 7 days. As you do, pray for the courage you need to step out in faith and claim your calling! Now is your time; there is no one else coming to do what only you can do!
“Haven’t I commanded you? Strength! Courage! Don’t be timid; don’t get discouraged. God, your God, is with you every step you take.” Joshua 1:9
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